Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Thing 1 : Setting up a blog

I decided to take the plunge and do 23 Things On A Stick. I think it will motivate me to incorporate some Web. 2.0 applications into our school's library media program. Recently we had a staff technology day. I wish I had started 23TOAS sooner; I might have designed a class around some of the ideas listed. I definitely have a potential set of ideas for future staff dev. classes.

When I went to blogger.com to set up my blog I discovered I already had an account set up, but had never used it. I must have learned about Blogger when I attended a TIES conference or other workshop but didn't take the time to follow through. I am hopeful about the 23TOAS initiative. Maybe 23TOAS will push me to try some new things.
I created a weak looking Avatar. I probably should have went with an alter-ego type of get-up. Maybe I'll create a new one and go for a Tarzan look.

During the registration process for 23 TOAS my browser took me to Survey Monkey. I thought I had inadvertently jumped ahead on the 23TOAS list. I hadn't checked the rest of the TOAS list yet, so I thought this site was stick #2. It wasn't, but I created an online survey for my 6th graders with it anyways. Survey Monkey seems like an easy way to get some curriculum planning data from our students! I plan to bring this tool up at our next media department meeting in Feb.


Sponge said...

Test Number 3

Sponge said...

Test Number 4
Does three strikes and your out, still apply???

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for the next 22 sticks. :)

Sponge said...

The Sponge is full for today !