Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Thing 4 : Using Flickr

This has been the most difficult task for me so far and I have experienced some frustrations. I have been trying to keep a consistent name/password, but I've signed up for so many things now (Blogger, Google Reader, Flickr, Picnik) I'm getting goofed up. I had a little trouble posting a picture from flickr directly into my blog. I needed to go back to the flickr help page a few times: www.flickr.com/help/blogging/. Navigating through Flickr wasn't that intuitive to me for some reason. I'll keep at it. I stumbled on to the "badge" feature from Flickr at the help page. If you look to the right you'll see a rectangle with pictures from my Flickr account.

The appearance of my blog is getting a little busy. Hopefully I can figure out a way to organize it better. I find it useful to put links that relate to each task on the side, but now this list is getting cumbersome.

I tried to copy the idea of the Clemens and Alcuin libraries of putting a picture of some popular books and using the add-a-note feature in Flickr. The picture is posted above. Just click on it and it should take you to the photo in my Flickr account. Put your mouse over the book cover and the note should appear. I added a link to this on our media center site.

I tried out Picnik. You can connect to your pictures in Flickr and then edit them with Picnik. You then save the edited picture back into your Flickr account.

Side note: I put an RSS feed from a site recommended by a friend called slickdeals.net. Coupons and discounts on various items show up on this site. There was a coupon for TGI Fridays today. Look for this feed on the right side of the screen. Thanks, Al.


Anonymous said...

I thought I left a comment yesterday...but it says 0 comments?

Mr. S @ BC said...

Thanks for trying. Hopefully you'll come back to view my blog another time. -Mike